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aaron | wen | ζ–‡ζ­·

Find me at the corner of digital and analog, as East meets West, in movement shaping metal β€” it is here that creativity grows in bountiful bunches.

Eight years ago, I begin with filmmaking and engineering. After 600 films and three companies as a mechanical designer, I now explore the possibilities at the intersection of my interests. I thrive where science merges with social issues, where personal identity affects collective movement. Most of my work explores intersectionality of self through analog-digital blends.

These days my interests focus on the possibilities of serial storytelling through mixed-media documentary. I’m investigating playful and efficient universal frameworks to overflow ideas across medium & topics.


latest and greatest

kind words

I’m a story person, I’m a process person, I’m a continual play person. Most importantly I’m a purpose person. I approach every project with the same simple idea β€”

Honorable purpose drives
meaningful work.

And I value integrity, effort, and passion above all else. If you do too, then let's roll up our sleeves and make something together!

fresh from the @aaaaalilac feed