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aaron | wen | 文歷

Find me at the corner of digital and analog, as East meets West, in movement shaping metal it is here that creativity grows in bountiful bunches.

Eight years ago, I begin with filmmaking and engineering. After 600 films and three companies as a mechanical designer, I now explore the possibilities at the intersection of my interests. I thrive where science mingles with social issues, where personal identity meshes with collective movement. Most of my work explores intersectionality of self with analog-digital blends.

These days I’m interested in pushing the fringes of what can be done through documentary, serial storytelling, and with integration of motion graphics. I’m investigating exploratory and efficient universal frameworks that allow me to overflow ideas across medium & topics, without compromising the playful nature of day and momentum of night.


latest and greatest

kind words

I’m a story person, I’m a process person, I’m a continual play person. Most importantly I’m a purpose person. I approach every project with the same simple idea —

Honorable purpose drives meaningful work.

And I value integrity, effort, and passion above all else. If you do too, then let's roll up our sleeves and make something together.

some brands i’ve made stuff for


fresh from the @aaaaalilac ig feed