The contents of this page are intended for public view. Please reach out for my detailed, full portfolio.

Engineering and art. For the longest time, everyone around me (including myself) didn’t believe they could be integrated. Now I realize, the motivation for my engineering work and my art come from the same place. I want to build things, build things well, things with intention. In other words, engineering IS art. I think it’s this approach that has guided me these years, leading to my first Inventor credit on a patent and, completely separately, the honor of Best Portfolio for BU’s Mechanical Engineering 2019 Design Portfolio Contest.

I’m currently a Mechanical Design Engineer at consulting group MANTA Product Development, specializing in logistics robotics, sensor development, and medical-grade devices. I spend my days immersed in the interdisciplinary craft of the product development process - from sketches to rigorous hands-on design processes to scaling/sustaining production. In the after hours however, I design and tinker with improvements to my video gear. Below are some of my projects (mainly past) that I can share publicly.

manufacturing lessons in the schon studio

making better videos with my “daedalus modular system” video gear

logistic robotics, start-up culture, and novel end of arm tools for xyz robotics

co-leading a student formula e-racecar team in bu racing

“jen.ny” in the first tech challenge robotics tournament

earning my keep as a BU undergrad

life-size pac-man robots

My engineering portfolio represents just my analytical left-brain, creative work in filmmaking and photography fulfill the other. To hang out with my right brain for a bit: